SPI interface The SPI interface uses 4 bytes in the I/O region $FF6C DATA in read / DATA out write $FF6D Status read / Control write $FF6E SCLK Divisor and IRQ Status read / SCLK Divisor write $FF6F Slave Select and Interrupt Enable read/write Status / Control register bit 7: TC - Transmission Complete (read only) bit 6: IER - Interrupt Enable bit 5: BSY - SPI Busy (read only) bit 4: FRX - Fast receive mode bit 3: TMO - Tri-state MOSI bit 2: ECE - External Clock Enable bit 1: CPOL - Clock Polarity bit 0: CPHA - Clock Phase Writing to DATA (or reading when FRX is enabled) triggers a byte transfer. Reading or writing DATA will clear the TC, and IRQ line if enabled. The IRQ line is connected to the /CART (cartridge interrupt input) pin on the Dragon cartridge port. The "internal" clock is the E clock signal from the Dragon, the "external" clock is the on-board 50 MHz oscillator. The clock divisor register (3 bit) allows division between 2 and 16 (2 * value + 2). On reset, all register bits are set to zero, except the slave select bits (inverted logic) which are set to 1 (inactive).